The vast majority of drivers and road users in Texas, or the whole country, for that matter, will encounter a dangerous or aggressive driver. Aggressive driving tactics are negative and dangerous behaviors that drivers engage in due to various reasons. Usually, aggressive drivers are drunk, suffering from emotional or mental issues, or are running late and have to get somewhere as quickly as possible. While these reasons are generally unacceptable, aggressive driving is, sadly, very common.

How to Spot an Aggressive Driver

Any potentially unsafe or dangerous driving behavior that a driver performs intentionally, maliciously, and without regard for others’ safety could be considered an aggressive driving tactic. Take note, though, that while aggressive driving is considered a traffic violation, road rage, besides screaming and making gestures, is a crime. Common examples of aggressive driving tactics include:

  • Tailgating or following a vehicle too closely
  • Erratic or improper lane changing
  • Passing where prohibited
  • Illegal driving on a sidewalk, ditch, median, or road shoulder
  • Not yielding right-of-way
  • Driving in a careless, reckless, or otherwise negligent manner
  • Changing speeds suddenly
  • Failing to signal
  • Failing to follow traffic control devices, signs, traffic laws, or traffic officers
  • Failing to observe instructions or warnings from other drivers/vehicles on the road
  • Racing or driving too fast
  • Making improper turns
  • Utilizing brakes or headlights to intimidate other drivers

Aggressive driving could result in road rage in some instances. Road rage behaviors aimed at other road users could include:

  • Yelling, cursing, or making obscene or rude gestures
  • Throwing objects
  • Sideswiping
  • Ramming
  • Forcing another vehicle off the road

Protect Yourself Against Aggressive Drivers

Everyone has experienced frustration while driving. For some drivers, however, that frustration could fester, morph into aggression and then anger, and ultimately result in devastating consequences. Here are some simple but very effective tips to protect yourself when you encounter an aggressive driver on the road:

  • Just stay away. Change lanes as safely as possible, slow down gradually or leave the road to keep distance between you and the aggressive driver.
  • Do not stop. Stopping might force a face-to-face confrontation, which could be extremely dangerous.
  • Do not reciprocate. Resist the urge to respond to the aggressive driver to avoid escalating the situation even further. Never make eye contact.
  • If you’re being followed by the aggressive driver, do not head straight home. Instead, head to the nearest heavily populated area, police station, or fire station.
  • Once you arrive at your destination, call the police or 911 to report the incident. If possible, include the location, time, and any details about the aggressive driver and the vehicle they’re driving. Reporting the incident could help prevent an accident and keep other road users safe.

Speak to a Collin County, TX, Auto Accident Attorney Now

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in an auto accident caused by an aggressive driver, do not hesitate to reach out to The Law Office of Joel M. Vecchio, P.C., to discuss your legal options for recovering compensation for your damages. You can arrange your free case consultation with our Collin County, TX, auto accident attorney by calling 972-380-4444 or completing our online form.